SubDomain Fuzzing
Subdomain fuzzing helps identify subdomains of a target domain, which can be critical in understanding the attack surface of a web application.
For basic subdomain fuzzing operations, use the default command as shown below. This will start the fuzzing process using the built-in wordlist and default settings to discover potential subdomains.
python ./ subdomain -T
Verbose Fuzzing
For verbose subdomain fuzzing, use the -v flag to enable detailed output. This will show additional information such as response times, DNS resolution details, and any errors encountered during the scanning process. The verbose output is particularly useful for debugging or when you need to analyze the scanning behavior in detail.
python ./ subdomain -T -v
Optional arguments for Directory Fuzzing:
- -T, --target: Specifies the target for the scan.
- -f, --file: Specifies the file contains keywords to fuzz
- -v, --verbose: Enable verbose output