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Docker Image


Before installing NexScan using Docker, ensure you have the following prerequisites:

  • Docker Engine installed and running on your system
  • Internet connection for pulling Docker images
  • Basic understanding of Docker commands and container management

Note: Docker installation varies by operating system. Please refer to the official Docker documentation for system-specific installation instructions.


Follow these steps to install NexScan using Docker:

# Pull the NexScan Docker image
docker pull harshmurjani/nexscan:latest

# Verify the image
docker images | grep nexscan

# Create a container and run NexScan
docker run -it --rm harshmurjani/nexscan:latest

After running these commands, you'll have access to all NexScan features within the Docker container. The container provides an isolated environment with all required dependencies pre-installed.

To persist output data, you can mount a local directory to the container:

docker run -it -v $(pwd)/output:/app/output --name nexscan nexeosecurity/nexscan:latest

This will create an 'output' directory in your current location that's mapped to the container's output folder.